Saturday, December 26, 2009

Is lip pluming gloss bad for you?

like if you use it every day will it damage your lips?Is lip pluming gloss bad for you?
It won't damage your lips, when you put it on you will feel tingling in your lips, but thats completely normal and should be there because of the irritant inside the lip plumping gloss, which makes your lips plump:)Is lip pluming gloss bad for you?
well think about it.

the lip gloss has ingredients that irritate your lips to make then big and swollen.

it probably wont damage your lips but you could have an allergic reaction.

if you really want one try to find one that uses mostly natural ingredients.

i hope i helped!
no, it just tingles and makes your lips swell because of the irritation, it didn't work on me though.
No, it just contains something that irritates your lips, making them swell. Chilli powder has the same effect.
no otherwise they wouldn't sell it, lipgloss in general is not good for your lips as over a period of time it dries them out.

Otherwise they would not pass the tests and be available to the public.
It won't damage them. Just makes them tingle a lot more than usual. (:

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